Wednesday, September 16, 2009

...And I've Never Been to Boston in the Fall

Well, I'm about to be off on a new adventure, so I figured it might be time to resurrect the old blog. (on the off chance that anyone actually cares to read my random ramblings...) If you don't "get" the reference you have been truly deprived and need to immediately click on the the YouTube link to be educated. :-) We are now T-minus 7 days until the the big men with the big truck show up to get my things and move me to Hanscom AFB just outside of Boston.

I know no one there and am starting a new civilian job with the Air Force. Hey, They may be grossly inferior to the Army, but that have nicer things. ;-) The more poking about I do though the more excited I am getting. There is so much cool stuff there! First fun break...Allie (my sister) is coming out for her fall break and we are going to hit up Halloween festivities in Salem. Spooky... Anyway, Stay tuned for random ramblings.

1 comment:

Roit said...

I check the site all the time. Finally an update! Just kidding. Air Force...wooo! Good luck.